Nobu is the world renowned luxury hotel and restaurant brand founded by Nobu Matsuhisa, Robert De Niro and Meir Teper. Highy anticipated Nobu Warsaw is one of the newest hotels of the chain. Both building project and interiors will satisfy the desires of most demanding clients. It the fascinating space of dialogue between two epochs and two styles – art deco and modern minimalism entrenched in ancient Japanese culture. Interiors designed by Medusa Group achieve perfect harmony in this minimalist composition. Spaces emanate with calm, timeless elegance.
We have made Puari 199 bathtub in Oak for the Nobu Suite. Puari series has also been inspired by Japanese Ofuro bathing culture and aim to join it with western modern approach to ergonomics. It fits perfectly with the minimalist and sophisticated spirit of Nobu Warsaw.
Year of completion: 2020
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Project: Medusa Group
Photography: Pion Studio